Is being an artist simple today? So maybe a child? Okay, let your child create what no one else has created! To be noticed, you must do something unique. But…

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Jazefa Mehofffer's "Wonderful Garden"
The picture is filled with the sun, full of bright colors of the summer, with joy and carelessness, it's hard to tear your eyes: the longer you look, the more…

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Who are the main players in the art market?
Who collects art? What are their roles? How do they find works? Answers to these simple questions give an idea of ​​how the world of art works - about traveling…

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What pictures are really beautiful?
As Ernst Gombrich successfully noted, Art with a capital letter And it became for us a kind of fetish. You can criticize the artist, telling him that his work is…


gallery with the works

How to find and buy works of art on the Internet

For some, perhaps, it will sound unexpectedly, but using social networks, nowadays you can assemble an entire art collection without leaving your home. It is possible not to visit galleries and salons at all, not to meet with artists personally, and this will not be a barrier between art and you. But even if you like noisy art parties, presentations, exhibitions, quietly browse art objects while sitting at home on the couch is definitely a pleasant experience for the connoisseur of beauty! Continue reading

6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…


Is being an artist simple today? So maybe a child? Okay, let your child create what no one else has created! To be noticed, you must do something unique. But…


The story of what constitutes a miniature, you can start with the memories of learned Latin. The term miniature dates back to the word from the Latin minium - which…
