Evaluate your art correctly
In order to realistically assess your creativity, you need to understand how the art business works, and according to which scheme collectors buy works of art. You should also objectively…

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Creativity Sivoplyasova
To talk about the creative legend of Yevgeny Sivoplyasov turned out, you need to arm, above all, a sense of doubt. Perhaps the most important human feeling, without which any…

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Evaluate your art correctly
In order to realistically assess your creativity, you need to understand how the art business works, and according to which scheme collectors buy works of art. You should also objectively…

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At the beginning of the 20th century, expressionism became a new trend in art, its homeland was Central Europe, and the name was taken from the Latin word expressio -…


designers become repeat buyers

The story of what constitutes a miniature, you can start with the memories of learned Latin. The term miniature dates back to the word from the Latin minium - which…


7 habits of successful artists
What makes some artists more successful than others? Talent, luck and hard work certainly play their part, but there are also specific habits that, as it turns out, are of…


Why is it useful to acquire art objects with a certificate of authenticity?
When buying works of art objects, including those created by artists representing modern art, it is important for the buyer to get a guarantee that the work he bought is…
