How to buy your first work of art
The world of art can be intimidating. It seems that everyone understands what is happening, except for you. And this may make it difficult to purchase the first work of…

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How to choose art in the interior
Your home is your castle. And so it is said not in vain, because the house is the place where a person rests not only physically, but also morally. And…

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Success story
How to enter the history of modern art, if you are not yet 30? Perhaps someone will be inspired by the example of Israeli artist Amit Shimoni. He simply invented…

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What should an artist do in the Internet era?
The Internet makes life easier, no doubt. Social networks provide you with ample opportunities not only to show your art to the world, but to find a buyer for your…


Jean Fouquet proved himself


The story of what constitutes a miniature, you can start with the memories of learned Latin. The term miniature dates back to the word from the Latin minium – which means red paint (cinnabar, minium), which was used in the old days, making out handwritten books when decorating them with headpieces and illustrations. These elements were made with gouache, watercolors, and also used gold leaf. The miniature in books acquired great popularity in the countries of Western Europe and in the Byzantine Empire during the Middle Ages. Continue reading

7 habits of successful artists
What makes some artists more successful than others? Talent, luck and hard work certainly play their part, but there are also specific habits that, as it turns out, are of…


Russian-American artist
I got acquainted with the Russian-American artist, Anna Slonim, twelve years ago, it can be said quite by accident. At that time, I was in Moscow, where I had about…


How to increase the value of their work
Not every artist knows that there are several ways to increase the value of an already finished work of art. We offer to get acquainted with the time-tested methods of…
