Why does an artist need his own website?
In the major cities and “cultural capitals” of the world there are many art salons and galleries where artists and art lovers meet face to face. There you can easily…

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Still life
The name of this genre can tell about what still life is, and it is very eloquent - in Italian, natura morta means “dead nature”. Creations of nature, once depicted…

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How to become a popular artist in the network
The popularity of the artist is in many ways the key to the success of sales of his works. Popularity, of course, is also different, but we will talk about…

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"... and return to love". Louisa Belozerova on Anthony of the Nepogozhny
... And return to love. Memory loves salutes. The dry shots are empty at the cemetery ... Artillery volleys for parting with those who were strong and powerful in the…


transmit the wind of the wind


The earliest hints of landscape are already visible on the Neolithic rock paintings left by ancient people who lived where the sands of the Sahara desert are now located, but landscape painting experienced its heyday in the Renaissance. The great artists of that era – Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, El Greco – created their masterpieces in this genre. Continue reading

Russian-American artist
I got acquainted with the Russian-American artist, Anna Slonim, twelve years ago, it can be said quite by accident. At that time, I was in Moscow, where I had about…


To be an artist: 10 things that art teachers are silent about
What you need to know the future artist: can I make a living with creativity? The answer to this question is more complicated than you think. There are many misconceptions…


What should an artist do in the Internet era?
The Internet makes life easier, no doubt. Social networks provide you with ample opportunities not only to show your art to the world, but to find a buyer for your…
