Let's go! ... to the exhibition ...
What is your main motivation for visiting an art exhibition? What motivates you to collect works of art? The politicization of art? Raising the new art marketing paradigm at the…

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7 habits of successful artists
What makes some artists more successful than others? Talent, luck and hard work certainly play their part, but there are also specific habits that, as it turns out, are of…

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Artists can replace robots?
It seems to be quite an everyday event - at the New York auction Christieʼs Prints and Multiples for 432.5 thousand dollars sold the picture - “Portrait of Edmond Belami”.…

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Stars in a row - and other ugliness
Pavlovka Gallery is one of the most unusual art places in the capital today. And, perhaps, the most remarkable. Occupying a room painted in coal black color (more recently it…



Artists can replace robots?

It seems to be quite an everyday event – at the New York auction Christieʼs Prints and Multiples for 432.5 thousand dollars sold the picture – “Portrait of Edmond Belami”. This is a print on canvas 70 to 70 centimeters. All anything, but the work was written by artificial intelligence. Instead of the artist’s signature, in the lower right corner there is an algebraic algorithm by which the work was created. For comparison: the work of long-time classic Andy Warhol was sold at about the same time for 75 thousand dollars. Continue reading

What is minimalism? Perhaps we can say that this is an art that seeks to escape from itself. The time of his birth is the 1960s, and the place is…


My experience selling paintings at the Jose Art Gallery
Some colleagues are wary and distrustful of selling paintings on the Internet, preferring the old proven ways to sell their work. I will try to dispel their doubts. Now in…


6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…
