Artists and galleries
The Internet has forever changed our life, turning the life of the world of art. More recently, the sale of works of art involved in the gallery. Artists put up…

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My experience selling paintings at the Jose Art Gallery
Some colleagues are wary and distrustful of selling paintings on the Internet, preferring the old proven ways to sell their work. I will try to dispel their doubts. Now in…

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Spirit Trap
Many people like to decorate the walls of their homes with pictures or just photos, but who thought what pictures bring into our lives, what influence do they have on…

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5 places to sell art online
For a long time no one is surprised by the sale of goods and services on the Internet. Here you can buy and sell almost everything. And works of art…


How to become a popular artist in the network

The popularity of the artist is in many ways the key to the success of sales of his works. Popularity, of course, is also different, but we will talk about the one that provides a high degree of relevance, its absolute importance in the art business and some methods for its production using Internet technologies.

All on the Internet!

Thanks to smartphones that are constantly connected to the Internet, getting information has become a matter of seconds. Fast, so-called “surfing” on the Internet, without much in-depth analysis, completely changed the principle of linear perception of information. Remember how we read literature in libraries – as it should be – according to the principle from left to right, when preparing for lessons, seminars, or as essays, etc., using many books and their content? In mass order, this phenomenon is a thing of the past. We will not discuss whether this is good or bad, but let us dwell on how to properly tune out new forms and sources of information, and, using them, become popular.

In the case of searching for any information on the network, most Internet users are accustomed to trusting authoritative resources of various directions: from news sites to sites for booking hotels, restaurants, etc. And this is true! The more authoritative an Internet resource, as a rule, they are popular and many people know about them, the more chances to get more up-to-date and objective information.

But these Internet resources initially did not have a high authority status, they also diligently conquered their place under the sun by publishing high-quality content (information), improving the quality of functionality, various advertising and non-advertising tricks, attracting more and more attention to themselves, gaining the trust of visitors and thereby increasing the traffic (traffic) of your site.

And if you really intend to become popular and, accordingly, in demand, you should stock up on endurance, be consistent and regular in your actions, and attentive to details. And success is guaranteed for you! Of course, the element of luck or God’s blessing is also important (as it is more convenient for someone), but this is no longer with us.

Promotion on the Internet. Do you need it?

Do not pay attention to the word “promotion”, it is a little pretentious and seemingly completely unrelated to great art, but believe that many people and companies in the world invested billions of dollars in this word and, ultimately, they appeared before us in the ideal form in which we know them with you today. The stories of these people and companies are based on hundreds of legends invented by marketers with very large salaries. And the products of these companies, regardless of the industry, seem to us to be the best in their class, and we, without even noticing it, became followers, blindly trusting our impression.
Answering the question “Do you need this?” I will say – Yes, it is necessary! To become popular and, accordingly, in demand, you need promotion on the Internet, but I will immediately calm you down – you do not have to invest billions of dollars in your promotion. Moreover, we will try to present you a certain road map, following which you will not have to spend a penny, but only a certain part of your time and energy.

Who buys art on the Internet.

So now it happened that if we want to find out something: about something or about someone, then first of all (in most cases) we open the Internet browser and in the search box of the search engine (usually google) enter the names subject, event or name of the person we want to find information about. Further, depending on the search results, we begin to browse the discovered web pages in order to find the most objective and detailed information. Such our actions continue until we are satisfied with the fullness of the information received, or until we are disappointed due to the presence of poor-quality information or its complete absence.

By the same principle, potential buyers of art objects on the Internet. The only difference is that they are looking for a specific author and his work, or are they looking for an author’s work that meets certain criteria (by genre, style, size, etc.), a specific place or site, say an online gallery where you can Buy a quality piece of art, quickly and safely.

According to our experience, we can conditionally divide buyers of art objects into two categories.

The first (less pretentious and rarer) will call them “connoisseurs” – those who buy the author’s work on the go. Such buyers definitely appreciate art, otherwise they would have bought some gadget instead of the author’s work, but they act according to the principle “I liked it – I bought it”. As a rule, representatives of this group acquire works for a gift or in the interior of their home or office. They deeply do not think about the cultural and artistic value of their purchases and almost never consider the purchase in terms of investments in art.

Landscape in quotes: Olga Bezhina's paradox painting
In the history of art there are many examples of self-restraint. Offhand, I recall the association of writers and mathematicians ULIPO, one of whose participants, Georges Perec, wrote the novel…


6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…


Success story
How to enter the history of modern art, if you are not yet 30? Perhaps someone will be inspired by the example of Israeli artist Amit Shimoni. He simply invented…
