Symbols and symbolic meanings in the art of Anna Slonim
Painting is the world of the subconscious and somewhere even unconscious. The subconscious speaks to us with symbols, and with creative people, such as artists and artists, in particular. But…

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Creativity Sivoplyasova
To talk about the creative legend of Yevgeny Sivoplyasov turned out, you need to arm, above all, a sense of doubt. Perhaps the most important human feeling, without which any…

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Creativity Sivoplyasova
To talk about the creative legend of Yevgeny Sivoplyasov turned out, you need to arm, above all, a sense of doubt. Perhaps the most important human feeling, without which any…

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How to sell art directly
Over the course of a career, any artist has all the opportunities to sell his art directly to collectors or other interested buyers - either privately in their studios or…



Success story

How to enter the history of modern art, if you are not yet 30? Perhaps someone will be inspired by the example of Israeli artist Amit Shimoni.

He simply invented and portrayed in the pictures what the world leaders of the past and present would do if suddenly they decided to retire from the affairs of state importance and live like the young generation of Y does. In his works, politicians appear in the image of modern fashionable guys. The motto of the project called Hipstory, which Shimoni began as a thesis at the Bezalel Academy of Arts: “Why be a world leader when you can be a hipster?” Continue reading

6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…


What should an artist do in the Internet era?
The Internet makes life easier, no doubt. Social networks provide you with ample opportunities not only to show your art to the world, but to find a buyer for your…


Why is it useful to acquire art objects with a certificate of authenticity?
When buying works of art objects, including those created by artists representing modern art, it is important for the buyer to get a guarantee that the work he bought is…
