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Artistic process
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Russian-American artist
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How to find and buy works of art on the Internet

For some, perhaps, it will sound unexpectedly, but using social networks, nowadays you can assemble an entire art collection without leaving your home. It is possible not to visit galleries and salons at all, not to meet with artists personally, and this will not be a barrier between art and you. But even if you like noisy art parties, presentations, exhibitions, quietly browse art objects while sitting at home on the couch is definitely a pleasant experience for the connoisseur of beauty!

First of all, it is necessary to determine the work in which genre and which authors you are looking for. View as much information as possible about artists whose work you are interested in, not only on Internet sites, but also on social networking pages such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. Modern artists, as a rule, use the Internet for the presentation of their work. There you can find not only their profiles, pages, or themed art communities, but also entire online galleries and virtual art salons aimed at selling and the works of various authors, where you can easily choose and buy the painting online. They differ from ordinary communities in that it is most convenient to acquire the works you like.

For starters, you can search Google for images of artists. Facebook and Instagram have their own search engines. On Facebook, it’s the same as on Google, and on Instagram, it’s necessary to search using hashtags, according to the words relevant to your topic. They will lead you to the right collections of works of art.

If you have a list of names of masters whose works you are interested in, you can visit their websites and pages on social networks. It is not difficult to find information about the artist, biographical information, information about his creative life – achievements, awards, participation in exhibitions. As well as samples of their work, their description, explanations, contact information. On the most intelligent sites of artists, they will also carefully indicate many other useful information: prices for works, how to buy paintings online, ways to deliver them, whether it is possible to return a purchase if something happens, and if so, for how long. The more such information you find, before you pick up the phone to contact the artist or his representative, the better, of course.

The basis of the site or page on the social network for the famous artist and his budding colleague is the gallery with the works of the author. There are samples of his works, you can carefully consider them and get acquainted with his work, choose your favorite work from those intended for sale. It is important to create a holistic picture of the artist’s work, the genres in which he works. Albums on a good website or page, as a rule, are grouped by genre, theme, and by the time of creation of works, this will facilitate familiarity with them. Read the descriptions and comments on the works, so you can better understand the art presented. You will see when the artist created this or that work (usually next to the name of the work, the year of its creation is also indicated), after a careful study of the site (page), you will also understand how active the artist is, how often his new works appear, whether the author repeats scenes or images in his work; and perhaps he is inclined to self-quote, and made several copies of a single work? You will see the evolution of his work, and you will see what has changed over time in his works.

Read the accompanying information. The more the author writes about his work, the more of his strength he puts into it, and the more meaningful it becomes. After all, it is also a form of respect for the gallery visitor, who wants to know what the work he is looking at, what inspired the master to create it.

If you want to better understand the artist’s personality, how close his perception of life is to you, look at his profile in social networks.

From the profile of an artist or a page devoted to his work in social networks, you will find out how many friends and followers he has, whether there are any famous artists among them, how many likes the works presented there, and therefore how popular his work is. It will be clear how eagerly the author communicates with visitors to the page, whether he comments on their posts, or answers questions. From the comments of visitors you can find out their opinions about the works, whether the artist’s work is popular, is he on the list of famous artists, and where he finds recognition – only in his region, or in his country, or whether the master has admirers far beyond his homeland . In what communities, creative associations he participates, what colleagues in the creative department are close to him in aesthetics and in life – all this can also be gathered from social networks.

It is interesting that they write about the artist art criticism, the press, how much his creative life is covered in the media, whether he gives interviews, and what he says about himself – the Internet can also answer these questions.

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