How to find and buy works of art on the Internet
For some, perhaps, it will sound unexpectedly, but using social networks, nowadays you can assemble an entire art collection without leaving your home. It is possible not to visit galleries…

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Is design becoming politics?
Became known longlist out of 60 nominees for the Beazley Design of the Year Award - the leading award in the design world. The exhibition of entries will be held…

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Otbenksit all. Recipe for success anonymous artist
The latest trick of the master not only created a sensation, but also became a new word in art. October 5, 2018 at Sotheby`s auction sold the famous picture of…

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Success story
How to enter the history of modern art, if you are not yet 30? Perhaps someone will be inspired by the example of Israeli artist Amit Shimoni. He simply invented…


paint landscapes of cities


At the beginning of the 20th century, expressionism became a new trend in art, its homeland was Central Europe, and the name was taken from the Latin word expressio – “expression”. The term coined by a connoisseur of art from the Czech Republic Antonin Mateychik. And this name itself was fully justified: expressionist artists once did not express themselves … The expressionist artist does not so much depict the surrounding reality, as it expresses the emotional background of the plot. Continue reading

What should an artist do in the Internet era?
The Internet makes life easier, no doubt. Social networks provide you with ample opportunities not only to show your art to the world, but to find a buyer for your…


Three palettes Eugene Tkachenko
Once the artist Nikolai Ge, who taught Lev Tolstoy’s daughter to painting, very simply explained things that seemed so complex at first glance. The girl asked how to distinguish a…


Edward Hopper Loneliness in a big city
For most Europeans, the art of Edward Hopper (Edward Hopper) confirms their peculiar image of America, which, in turn, manifests itself in scenes depicting the artist, characterized by a double-code:…
