Dear David Hockney
David Hockney - 81-year-old British painter, who recently became the most expensive artist of our contemporaries. An anonymous buyer paid $ 90.3 million at Christie’s for his work “Portrait of…

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What is minimalism? Perhaps we can say that this is an art that seeks to escape from itself. The time of his birth is the 1960s, and the place is…

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Otbenksit all. Recipe for success anonymous artist
The latest trick of the master not only created a sensation, but also became a new word in art. October 5, 2018 at Sotheby`s auction sold the famous picture of…

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How to become a popular artist in the network
The popularity of the artist is in many ways the key to the success of sales of his works. Popularity, of course, is also different, but we will talk about…


your prices can only make sense

Evaluate your art correctly

In order to realistically assess your creativity, you need to understand how the art business works, and according to which scheme collectors buy works of art. You should also objectively evaluate the significance and quality of your work in connection with the huge amount and variety of art available for sale both online and in galleries. The most important part of this process is the assessment of one’s achievements in the world art and positioning oneself on the art market. Continue reading

Three palettes Eugene Tkachenko
Once the artist Nikolai Ge, who taught Lev Tolstoy’s daughter to painting, very simply explained things that seemed so complex at first glance. The girl asked how to distinguish a…


My experience selling paintings at the Jose Art Gallery
Some colleagues are wary and distrustful of selling paintings on the Internet, preferring the old proven ways to sell their work. I will try to dispel their doubts. Now in…


New platform in Odessa for exhibitions and performances gallery "4M"
January 24, 2019 at 14.00 Ukraine, Odessa, 33, French Boulevard, 4th floor, room 415 held a press conference where new art projects were presented, “Art apartment on French Boulevard”, a…
