Who are the main players in the art market?
Who collects art? What are their roles? How do they find works? Answers to these simple questions give an idea of ​​how the world of art works - about traveling…

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"Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci, or Oda Painting
The world, according to Leonardo, is known through the senses, and the eye is the master of the senses, therefore painting is the queen of art. Such reasoning is evidence…

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Still life
The name of this genre can tell about what still life is, and it is very eloquent - in Italian, natura morta means “dead nature”. Creations of nature, once depicted…

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Creativity Sivoplyasova
To talk about the creative legend of Yevgeny Sivoplyasov turned out, you need to arm, above all, a sense of doubt. Perhaps the most important human feeling, without which any…



At the beginning of the 20th century, expressionism became a new trend in art, its homeland was Central Europe, and the name was taken from the Latin word expressio – “expression”. The term coined by a connoisseur of art from the Czech Republic Antonin Mateychik. And this name itself was fully justified: expressionist artists once did not express themselves … The expressionist artist does not so much depict the surrounding reality, as it expresses the emotional background of the plot. Painters working in this manner, tried to capture the painted faces of emotion. In their works, emotions are abundant, often it is a cry, despair and pain. Obviously, at that time it was not easy for artists to surprise art lovers with a new look.

So what kind of demons were painters trying to wake up? Their palette was deliberately bright and contrasted, or exactly the opposite – dull and faded, emotions on canvas lashed over the edge, they were expressed by drawing distorted facial features, angular and unnatural figures. The symbolism of the coming epoch: the new century began with a painting depicting despair. Artists looked anxiously into the future. And, unfortunately, they were not mistaken in their presentiments. After a very short time, one of the creators of expressionism will die in the battles of the First World War.

The most famous work in the expressionist genre – “Scream” – belongs to the brush of Edvard Munch – an artist from Norway. She provoked a lot of imitations, she was parodied, she became one of the most recognizable paintings of her era, and a century after her writing was reflected in the emoji emoticon from the Internet. Therefore, the creator of “Creek” quite rightly occupies an honorable place as the creator of expressionism. The spectrum of different emotions is expressed not only by the heroes of his paintings, for the same purpose the artist confronts colors with each other, plays with lines of drawing.

Among the pioneers of the genre was a German expressionist painter Emil Nolde. He wrote works of different genres, but they are united by expressive colors and energy, which is seen through in the manner of writing.

Another founder of expressionism was Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. His canvases are characterized by intense emotions, angular outlines, bright colors. The artist was inspired by the national art of the inhabitants of Oceania, but found his original pictorial style. He loved to paint landscapes of cities.

Pictures of Russian artist-abstract artist Vasily Kandinsky, some experts refer to the genre of abstract expressionism.

Perhaps not all art lovers will have the courage to decorate the walls of the house with works of expressionist artists. But Expressionist masterpieces now sell for a lot of money.

What is minimalism? Perhaps we can say that this is an art that seeks to escape from itself. The time of his birth is the 1960s, and the place is…


My experience selling paintings at the Jose Art Gallery
Some colleagues are wary and distrustful of selling paintings on the Internet, preferring the old proven ways to sell their work. I will try to dispel their doubts. Now in…


How to become a popular artist in the network
The popularity of the artist is in many ways the key to the success of sales of his works. Popularity, of course, is also different, but we will talk about…
