Creativity Sivoplyasova
To talk about the creative legend of Yevgeny Sivoplyasov turned out, you need to arm, above all, a sense of doubt. Perhaps the most important human feeling, without which any…

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Evaluate your art correctly
In order to realistically assess your creativity, you need to understand how the art business works, and according to which scheme collectors buy works of art. You should also objectively…

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My experience selling paintings at the Jose Art Gallery
Some colleagues are wary and distrustful of selling paintings on the Internet, preferring the old proven ways to sell their work. I will try to dispel their doubts. Now in…

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Otbenksit all. Recipe for success anonymous artist
The latest trick of the master not only created a sensation, but also became a new word in art. October 5, 2018 at Sotheby`s auction sold the famous picture of…


for example

Evaluate your art correctly

In order to realistically assess your creativity, you need to understand how the art business works, and according to which scheme collectors buy works of art. You should also objectively evaluate the significance and quality of your work in connection with the huge amount and variety of art available for sale both online and in galleries. The most important part of this process is the assessment of one’s achievements in the world art and positioning oneself on the art market. Continue reading

Why is it useful to acquire art objects with a certificate of authenticity?

When buying works of art objects, including those created by artists representing modern art, it is important for the buyer to get a guarantee that the work he bought is genuine. For this artist or art dealer issues a certificate of authenticity of the work. Let’s talk about this in more detail.

What is a certificate of authenticity? This is a document proving the originality of the work, he confirms the authorship of the work, the fact that it was actually created by the artist, who is listed as the author. Continue reading

Otbenksit all. Recipe for success anonymous artist
The latest trick of the master not only created a sensation, but also became a new word in art. October 5, 2018 at Sotheby`s auction sold the famous picture of…


What pictures are really beautiful?
As Ernst Gombrich successfully noted, Art with a capital letter And it became for us a kind of fetish. You can criticize the artist, telling him that his work is…


Country of the sun. Artist Yevgeny Tkachenko
Yevgeny Tkachenko is one of the artists of the socialist realism era who experienced the social and aesthetic upsurge of the sixties, with such vivid power that captured the atmosphere…
