Country of the sun. Artist Yevgeny Tkachenko
Yevgeny Tkachenko is one of the artists of the socialist realism era who experienced the social and aesthetic upsurge of the sixties, with such vivid power that captured the atmosphere…

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How to create art, really interesting to people
Each artist lives a small critic. This critic observes over the shoulder of the painter when he begins his canvas. He is where the sculptor draws fresh clay. He asks…

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Artistic process
How does an artist work? Usually he answers this question - “this is a great mystery”. Kandinsky scoffed at the Impressionists, who were proud that they could not explain what…

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Artists can replace robots?
It seems to be quite an everyday event - at the New York auction Christieʼs Prints and Multiples for 432.5 thousand dollars sold the picture - “Portrait of Edmond Belami”.…


which breaks

Creativity Sivoplyasova

To talk about the creative legend of Yevgeny Sivoplyasov turned out, you need to arm, above all, a sense of doubt. Perhaps the most important human feeling, without which any encounter with someone’s skill would end in an accident of self-confident misunderstanding due to the inability to see: what is hidden behind the display in the pupil? One on one with the pictures of Sivoplyasov, you realize this especially clearly. Continue reading

Who are the main players in the art market?
Who collects art? What are their roles? How do they find works? Answers to these simple questions give an idea of ​​how the world of art works - about traveling…


Why does an artist need his own website?
In the major cities and “cultural capitals” of the world there are many art salons and galleries where artists and art lovers meet face to face. There you can easily…


Jazefa Mehofffer's "Wonderful Garden"
The picture is filled with the sun, full of bright colors of the summer, with joy and carelessness, it's hard to tear your eyes: the longer you look, the more…
