Let's go! ... to the exhibition ...
What is your main motivation for visiting an art exhibition? What motivates you to collect works of art? The politicization of art? Raising the new art marketing paradigm at the…

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Spirit Trap
Many people like to decorate the walls of their homes with pictures or just photos, but who thought what pictures bring into our lives, what influence do they have on…

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6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…

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The earliest hints of landscape are already visible on the Neolithic rock paintings left by ancient people who lived where the sands of the Sahara desert are now located, but…


strategy only confuses people

How to sell art directly

Over the course of a career, any artist has all the opportunities to sell his art directly to collectors or other interested buyers – either privately in their studios or publicly at exhibitions, art fairs, charity events, and so on. Of course, the Internet occupies a significant place, but face-to-face meetings remain incredibly important. The following tips are designed to help any artist maximize the potential for positive results in individual interaction with potential buyers: Continue reading

Edward Hopper Loneliness in a big city
For most Europeans, the art of Edward Hopper (Edward Hopper) confirms their peculiar image of America, which, in turn, manifests itself in scenes depicting the artist, characterized by a double-code:…


What should an artist do in the Internet era?
The Internet makes life easier, no doubt. Social networks provide you with ample opportunities not only to show your art to the world, but to find a buyer for your…


How to choose art in the interior
Your home is your castle. And so it is said not in vain, because the house is the place where a person rests not only physically, but also morally. And…
