Star Dong Hao
At the end of 2016, the population of mainland China alone was 1,382,494,824 inhabitants. And all these people, from small to large, plus a large diaspora, know and selflessly love…

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Stranger in a foreign country
Ivan Marchuk is an artist whose motto could well be biblical lines about "a stranger in a foreign country." At whatever time and in which country (USSR, USA, Australia, Canada,…

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"Cultural trend" presented an art project "Genesis" in Rome
From November 8 to 11, the international art project Genesis took place in the Palazzo Velli Gallery in Rome. It was organized by Cultural Trend, a Ukrainian magazine about the…

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At the beginning of the 20th century, expressionism became a new trend in art, its homeland was Central Europe, and the name was taken from the Latin word expressio -…


life are playing with coloristic luxury

Country of the sun. Artist Yevgeny Tkachenko

Yevgeny Tkachenko is one of the artists of the socialist realism era who experienced the social and aesthetic upsurge of the sixties, with such vivid power that captured the atmosphere of the thaw … But in his painting the tactile tangibility of being and sun worship were combined with the simplicity of almost banal, unassuming street subjects. This is the very nakedness of life, the warmth of the moment, the veracity of artistic imprinting. Continue reading

Russian-American artist
I got acquainted with the Russian-American artist, Anna Slonim, twelve years ago, it can be said quite by accident. At that time, I was in Moscow, where I had about…


7 habits of successful artists
What makes some artists more successful than others? Talent, luck and hard work certainly play their part, but there are also specific habits that, as it turns out, are of…


Artists can replace robots?
It seems to be quite an everyday event - at the New York auction Christieʼs Prints and Multiples for 432.5 thousand dollars sold the picture - “Portrait of Edmond Belami”.…
