Star Dong Hao
At the end of 2016, the population of mainland China alone was 1,382,494,824 inhabitants. And all these people, from small to large, plus a large diaspora, know and selflessly love…

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Why does an artist need his own website?
In the major cities and “cultural capitals” of the world there are many art salons and galleries where artists and art lovers meet face to face. There you can easily…

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Three palettes Eugene Tkachenko
Once the artist Nikolai Ge, who taught Lev Tolstoy’s daughter to painting, very simply explained things that seemed so complex at first glance. The girl asked how to distinguish a…

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Why does an artist need his own website?
In the major cities and “cultural capitals” of the world there are many art salons and galleries where artists and art lovers meet face to face. There you can easily…


but believe that many people

Jazefa Mehofffer's "Wonderful Garden"
The picture is filled with the sun, full of bright colors of the summer, with joy and carelessness, it's hard to tear your eyes: the longer you look, the more…


My experience selling paintings at the Jose Art Gallery
Some colleagues are wary and distrustful of selling paintings on the Internet, preferring the old proven ways to sell their work. I will try to dispel their doubts. Now in…


"Cultural trend" presented an art project "Genesis" in Rome
From November 8 to 11, the international art project Genesis took place in the Palazzo Velli Gallery in Rome. It was organized by Cultural Trend, a Ukrainian magazine about the…
