My experience selling paintings at the Jose Art Gallery
Some colleagues are wary and distrustful of selling paintings on the Internet, preferring the old proven ways to sell their work. I will try to dispel their doubts. Now in…

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Dear David Hockney
David Hockney - 81-year-old British painter, who recently became the most expensive artist of our contemporaries. An anonymous buyer paid $ 90.3 million at Christie’s for his work “Portrait of…

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5 places to sell art online
For a long time no one is surprised by the sale of goods and services on the Internet. Here you can buy and sell almost everything. And works of art…

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The story of what constitutes a miniature, you can start with the memories of learned Latin. The term miniature dates back to the word from the Latin minium - which…


time in Kiev

Star Dong Hao

At the end of 2016, the population of mainland China alone was 1,382,494,824 inhabitants. And all these people, from small to large, plus a large diaspora, know and selflessly love one person – Dong Hao (Chinese: 浩; pinyin: Dǒng Hào). We in our West would compare Mr. Hao with the “Titan of the Renaissance,” so many talents he has alone, and so vividly they appear. But the “dao” of Dong is, nevertheless, purely Chinese: even his biography itself, it seems, can serve as an illustration of the cultural canon of Celestial. Continue reading

Edward Hopper Loneliness in a big city
For most Europeans, the art of Edward Hopper (Edward Hopper) confirms their peculiar image of America, which, in turn, manifests itself in scenes depicting the artist, characterized by a double-code:…


What should an artist do in the Internet era?
The Internet makes life easier, no doubt. Social networks provide you with ample opportunities not only to show your art to the world, but to find a buyer for your…


How to choose art in the interior
Your home is your castle. And so it is said not in vain, because the house is the place where a person rests not only physically, but also morally. And…
