How to choose art in the interior
Your home is your castle. And so it is said not in vain, because the house is the place where a person rests not only physically, but also morally. And…

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Why is it useful to acquire art objects with a certificate of authenticity?
When buying works of art objects, including those created by artists representing modern art, it is important for the buyer to get a guarantee that the work he bought is…

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Is design becoming politics?
Became known longlist out of 60 nominees for the Beazley Design of the Year Award - the leading award in the design world. The exhibition of entries will be held…

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Evaluate your art correctly
In order to realistically assess your creativity, you need to understand how the art business works, and according to which scheme collectors buy works of art. You should also objectively…



Landscape in quotes: Olga Bezhina’s paradox painting

In the history of art there are many examples of self-restraint. Offhand, I recall the association of writers and mathematicians ULIPO, one of whose participants, Georges Perec, wrote the novel La Disparition (1969) without the most frequent French letter “e”. The minimalist artist Saul Levitt called the cube the basic unit of his creativity, and Jackson Pollock, the leader of abstract expressionism, sprayed paint from his brushes onto a huge canvas on the floor. Continue reading

How to find and buy works of art on the Internet
For some, perhaps, it will sound unexpectedly, but using social networks, nowadays you can assemble an entire art collection without leaving your home. It is possible not to visit galleries…


"Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci, or Oda Painting
The world, according to Leonardo, is known through the senses, and the eye is the master of the senses, therefore painting is the queen of art. Such reasoning is evidence…


How to find and buy works of art on the Internet
For some, perhaps, it will sound unexpectedly, but using social networks, nowadays you can assemble an entire art collection without leaving your home. It is possible not to visit galleries…
