The story of what constitutes a miniature, you can start with the memories of learned Latin. The term miniature dates back to the word from the Latin minium - which…

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6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…

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To be an artist: 10 things that art teachers are silent about
What you need to know the future artist: can I make a living with creativity? The answer to this question is more complicated than you think. There are many misconceptions…

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"Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci, or Oda Painting
The world, according to Leonardo, is known through the senses, and the eye is the master of the senses, therefore painting is the queen of art. Such reasoning is evidence…


creative support and a lot of fun

To be an artist: 10 things that art teachers are silent about

What you need to know the future artist: can I make a living with creativity? The answer to this question is more complicated than you think.

There are many misconceptions about the art world. Ask someone to describe what it means to be an artist, and they are likely to paint a picture of one of two extremes. There is no middle ground, no stability, no security: there are just those who do it and those who do not. Continue reading

6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…


Dear David Hockney
David Hockney - 81-year-old British painter, who recently became the most expensive artist of our contemporaries. An anonymous buyer paid $ 90.3 million at Christie’s for his work “Portrait of…


Stranger in a foreign country
Ivan Marchuk is an artist whose motto could well be biblical lines about "a stranger in a foreign country." At whatever time and in which country (USSR, USA, Australia, Canada,…
