How to sell art directly
Over the course of a career, any artist has all the opportunities to sell his art directly to collectors or other interested buyers - either privately in their studios or…

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6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…

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"Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci, or Oda Painting
The world, according to Leonardo, is known through the senses, and the eye is the master of the senses, therefore painting is the queen of art. Such reasoning is evidence…

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The earliest hints of landscape are already visible on the Neolithic rock paintings left by ancient people who lived where the sands of the Sahara desert are now located, but…


can make someone smile

Otbenksit all. Recipe for success anonymous artist

The latest trick of the master not only created a sensation, but also became a new word in art. October 5, 2018 at Sotheby`s auction sold the famous picture of this author, which was called “Girl with a balloon.” As soon as it was announced that the work was sold for $ 1.37 million, a built-in mechanism was put inside the frame of this picture – a paper shredder that cut half of the picture into noodles. The video and even photos show the emotions of the audience present. Continue reading

The earliest hints of landscape are already visible on the Neolithic rock paintings left by ancient people who lived where the sands of the Sahara desert are now located, but…


How to create art, really interesting to people
Each artist lives a small critic. This critic observes over the shoulder of the painter when he begins his canvas. He is where the sculptor draws fresh clay. He asks…


Sorry for 12 million
Unusual work found its buyer at an auction held in Moscow by the auction house “12th chair”. A white canvas with the word “Sorry” written in large letters and the…
