Edward Hopper Loneliness in a big city
For most Europeans, the art of Edward Hopper (Edward Hopper) confirms their peculiar image of America, which, in turn, manifests itself in scenes depicting the artist, characterized by a double-code:…

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"... and return to love". Louisa Belozerova on Anthony of the Nepogozhny
... And return to love. Memory loves salutes. The dry shots are empty at the cemetery ... Artillery volleys for parting with those who were strong and powerful in the…

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6 useful tips on how to promote your art
If you are an artist, simply creating art is not enough: you need to promote it intensively. Your artistic path may lie in the need to create and leave your…

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Stars in a row - and other ugliness
Pavlovka Gallery is one of the most unusual art places in the capital today. And, perhaps, the most remarkable. Occupying a room painted in coal black color (more recently it…


second without a name

How to sell art directly
Over the course of a career, any artist has all the opportunities to sell his art directly to collectors or other interested buyers - either privately in their studios or…


Sorry for 12 million
Unusual work found its buyer at an auction held in Moscow by the auction house “12th chair”. A white canvas with the word “Sorry” written in large letters and the…


7 habits of successful artists
What makes some artists more successful than others? Talent, luck and hard work certainly play their part, but there are also specific habits that, as it turns out, are of…
