Is design becoming politics?
Became known longlist out of 60 nominees for the Beazley Design of the Year Award - the leading award in the design world. The exhibition of entries will be held…

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To be an artist: 10 things that art teachers are silent about
What you need to know the future artist: can I make a living with creativity? The answer to this question is more complicated than you think. There are many misconceptions…

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At the beginning of the 20th century, expressionism became a new trend in art, its homeland was Central Europe, and the name was taken from the Latin word expressio -…

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What pictures are really beautiful?
As Ernst Gombrich successfully noted, Art with a capital letter And it became for us a kind of fetish. You can criticize the artist, telling him that his work is…


Someone was doing paintings

“… and return to love”. Louisa Belozerova on Anthony of the Nepogozhny

… And return to love.
Memory loves salutes. The dry shots are empty at the cemetery … Artillery volleys for parting with those who were strong and powerful in the world of this …
But the grief of Anatolian friends and sister-in-law artists echoed a salute strange and unlike others. On the border with the Murovanakurilovetsky district, where all the sources are healing, and nature makes the soul of the paradise, where the forest saves everything fleetingly, they lifted the rifle into an unbroken top. Continue reading

How to choose art in the interior
Your home is your castle. And so it is said not in vain, because the house is the place where a person rests not only physically, but also morally. And…


What pictures are really beautiful?
As Ernst Gombrich successfully noted, Art with a capital letter And it became for us a kind of fetish. You can criticize the artist, telling him that his work is…


Jazefa Mehofffer's "Wonderful Garden"
The picture is filled with the sun, full of bright colors of the summer, with joy and carelessness, it's hard to tear your eyes: the longer you look, the more…
