Country of the sun. Artist Yevgeny Tkachenko
Yevgeny Tkachenko is one of the artists of the socialist realism era who experienced the social and aesthetic upsurge of the sixties, with such vivid power that captured the atmosphere…

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Three palettes Eugene Tkachenko
Once the artist Nikolai Ge, who taught Lev Tolstoy’s daughter to painting, very simply explained things that seemed so complex at first glance. The girl asked how to distinguish a…

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How to create art, really interesting to people
Each artist lives a small critic. This critic observes over the shoulder of the painter when he begins his canvas. He is where the sculptor draws fresh clay. He asks…

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Spirit Trap
Many people like to decorate the walls of their homes with pictures or just photos, but who thought what pictures bring into our lives, what influence do they have on…


more it means to you at different levels.

Jazefa Mehofffer's "Wonderful Garden"
The picture is filled with the sun, full of bright colors of the summer, with joy and carelessness, it's hard to tear your eyes: the longer you look, the more…


The earliest hints of landscape are already visible on the Neolithic rock paintings left by ancient people who lived where the sands of the Sahara desert are now located, but…


Is being an artist simple today? So maybe a child? Okay, let your child create what no one else has created! To be noticed, you must do something unique. But…
