Otbenksit all. Recipe for success anonymous artist
The latest trick of the master not only created a sensation, but also became a new word in art. October 5, 2018 at Sotheby`s auction sold the famous picture of this author, which was called “Girl with a balloon.” As soon as it was announced that the work was sold for $ 1.37 million, a built-in mechanism was put inside the frame of this picture – a paper shredder that cut half of the picture into noodles. The video and even photos show the emotions of the audience present. The manager of the auction assures that he was not initiated into the plans of the artist, but he believes that with such an act Banksy confirmed the status of one of the most brilliant artists, and the painting itself remains a work of art in a new format. Banksy himself said on his website that he had built the tool into the picture frame several years ago, “just in case it was ever put up for auction”. The artist led the aphorism of the Russian anarchist philosopher Mikhail Bakunin: “The desire for destruction is also a creative motivation.” In addition, Banksy published a video in which he framed a shredder. The artist presented this work back in 2006 to one of the visitors to the exhibition in Los Angeles.
The buyer of the picture, in general, was also not sad, she decided to keep the creation for herself. “When the work self-destructed, I was shocked at first, but eventually it came to the realization that I would have my own piece of art history,” the words of an anonymous lady at Sotheby’s conveyed, adding that this female collector is their long-time client from Europe. Probably will please the collector and the fact that Banksy has already renamed his work, calling it “Love in the trash can”. Associated with the artist organization Pest Control, which is engaged in checking the authenticity of the works of Banks, issued a certificate for assigning a new name to the picture. Art dealers believe that after such a spectacular cutting, it will rise in price at least twice.
Interestingly, at Sotheby `s auction already appeared print work“ Girl with a balloon ”in February 2007, he was among the then sold three works by the artist. At that time, Banksy also did not deny himself the pleasure of fooling around: the next day, he put in a new picture in the hall. Her story – an auction with a crowd of fat cats, bargaining for a picture in a golden frame, where instead of the image is the inscription: “I can not believe that you, assholes, actually buy this shit.”
Such antics help maintain the interest of the bored public to the person of the author. Moreover, this persona is carefully conspiratorial, letting mystery around her. Find out who the author is – whether the musician of the Massive Attack group Robert Del Naya, or whether he is not a person at all, but a whole creative union of artists. Such mystery is also a plus for karma, in the sense of capitalization.
In general, the work of Banksy is the “rough language of the poster” of the leftist intellectual, where everything is very predictable – the fight against poverty and injustice, and for world peace. Of course, Banksy does not forget to cut the dough a little against the background of this titanic struggle. You yourself know what time it is easy for someone now …
For some reason, when looking at his work, an old parody song is recalled: “Vasya is beating against the genocide, and Vasya is against genocide”. Vasya, that is, Banksy, chose the most democratic genre – graffiti, the language of streets. “Graffiti is one of the few means of expression that you can afford, even if you have nothing. And even if you don’t crack down on world poverty with graffiti, you can make someone smile as long as he pisses, ”says the artist.
Here you are, anti-war pathos – drawings on the ruins in the Gaza Strip and on the wall between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, with cats, children and other pictures in the style of “May there always be sunshine.” Here is Steve Jobs in the image of a refugee from Syria (the refugee from there was his father Abdulfatta Jandali).
Here is a social work on child labor – a boy from a poor family who knows how to embroider on a typewriter (work “Slave Labor”, sold in 2013 for $ 1.1 million by the owner of a London store, on the wall of which the author wrote it down).
There is also a Banksy version of Disneyland called “Dismalend” (from English dismal – sullen), his artist opened in August 2015 in the small English town of Weston-Super Mare. This is a Disneyland-style post-apocalypse with castle ruins and burnt cars.
After Brexit, Banksy drew the EU flag without the twelfth star. And there were once more creatively pereinachennye British 10-pound notes with a portrait of Princess Diana instead of Queen Elizabeth and the signature “Banksy of England” instead of “Bank of England”. Then they began to sell for 200 pounds.
His example is another science: in our wondrous world, for a stencil image, you can get one and a half lemon greens at the most prestigious world auction, and if you come to the case with fiction, it is much more. In general, PR is our everything. This is what we live.